Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Technology Talk

Technology: How many ways I love you.

What can I say. I just love technolgy. I especially love You Tube and Video Sharing. Since discovering the phenomenon of "You Tube" I have been hooked, and I've introduced a lot of my friends to this as well and they too are hooked.

Imagine all your favorite tv and music performances that you had on video tape somewhere you can upload to share with the world. I love this because there are so many television and music perfomances that I thought I would never see again or have never even seen and it is all there at the click of a button. First there are all those music videos then there are entire concerts (for the Music fans check out Michael Jackson's Bad tour and Victory Tours), then there are television performances, award show performances, the list is endless. So for me this is like a musical wonderland.

Then there are favorite parts of movies, tv shows, and users' personal musical performances, dance recitals and user made music videos. It is rather exciting. This is just one of my favorite aspects of the Web 2.0 as it is called. It surely has revolutionized the web and video sharing is even playing a major part of the presidental elections. Did you check out the CNN /You Tube Debates?

If something happens today within minutes someone has posted it to You Tube. If you missed American Idol performance and you forgot to Tivo it, go to You Tube or any other video sharing website and it will be there. It's there and so is everything else.

One of my favorite musicals is "The Wiz" here is a link from one of my favorite clips from the movie. I found it found it on You Tube. Enjoy.

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